Confession in Everyday Life
Confession is a call for us to be honest about our sin, and our capacity to sin, with God and with one another.
Confession is a call for us to be honest about our sin, and our capacity to sin, with God and with one another.
Far more than empty words offered in place of meaningful action, prayer in itself is meaningful action.
Proper worship orients us with a proper understanding of the creator/creature relationship. Perverted worship turns its back on this relationship and sends the worship impulse into all the wrong places.
I recently finished watching the excellent Netflix series Narcos, which tells the story of the pursuit of the notorious Colombian drug trafficker, Pablo Escobar. It is a powerful reminder of the challenge of justice in the face of seemingly overwhelming and unstoppable evil, and the compromises that are often deemed necessary in the name of “good”.
Counter Culture: A Compassionate Call to Counter Culture in a World of Poverty, Same-Sex Marriage, Racism, Sex Slavery, Immigration, Abortion, Persecution, Orphans and Pornography by David Platt (Tyndale House Publishers, 2015)
On social issues, Christians have recently been on the defensive. In his recent book, David Platt makes the case for Christians to go on the offensive.
As Christians, the concept of sin is fundamental to our understanding of the human condition. Yet when we look at people around us, many don’t seem to think of sin at all.
The God revealed in the Bible can be difficult to grasp, often seeming contradictory. Nevertheless, it is only by engaging and wrestling with these paradoxes that we can come to a more complete picture of God.
God has a history of reversing our expectations and priorities. We often get caught up in our own wisdom and our own narrow thinking, so when confronted by God’s nature we’re shaken up and challenged profoundly. One of the most powerful ways God challenges us is with his concern for those in need.
Of all the things we do together as a church I think that from the perspective of an outsider, the strangest thing we do is to sing.
How many things do we dedicate our lives to?
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